All products being offered will be fulfilled by Alvin & Company and shipped from their warehouse in the United States. No products will ship directly from the manufacturer in Germany. Alvin & Company is the exclusive distributer of Finetec in the United States, all content and offers on this website are from Alvin & Company and not the manufacturer. Both Alvin & Company and the manufacturer of Finetec stand behind the quality of the product, if you experience an issue please notify us at info@finetecus.com.
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, you may return unused paint to Alvin & Co. within 30 days of purchase. Please email us at info@finetecus.com to get a RMA #. Please note, defective or damaged merchandise can only be returned if it’s unused. Returns must be mailed back to the warehouse and will only receive a refund for the returned merchandise. Refunds will be processed to the original method of payment within 10 business days.
The warehouse will inspect merchandise sent back for a refund and reserves the right to reject returns.
Once the return has been processed, you will receive a return email confirmation.
Depending on the credit card company, it may take an additional 2-10 business days after the credit is applied for it to post.
NOTE: For your protection, we suggest sending your return via insured parcel post or other traceable method. Shipping fees are not refundable and return shipping charges must be paid by customer. Alvin & Co. is not responsible for returns until they are received in our warehouse.
Mail returns to :
Alvin & Co Returns 1335 Blue Hills Ave. Bloomfield, CT 06002